MULTIFRAC is an ImageJ2 plugin, developed for scaling characterization and multifractal analysis of 2D and 3D stack images. It has been particularly developed for the study of CT-scan images on soil science but it is recommended for complexity analysis and scaling behaviour in any kind of images. It features:
Very user friendly interface
Monofractal analysis
Multifractal analysis implementing box counting and gliding box methodologies.
Lacunarity analysis
Characteristic length and configuration entropy analysis.
Source code is hosted in Github, last stable released version is hosted in the official official ImageJ repository, more info about the software is in the official wiki page. The software is distributed under GNU 3.0 license and please cite:
MULTIFRAC: An ImageJ plugin for multiscale characterization of 2D and 3D stack images . IG Torre, R. J. Heck and AM Tarquis. SoftwareX, 12, 100574.