Dr. Iván G. Torre
Senior AI Applied Researcher at the Oracle
I am currently a senior applied artificial intelligence researcher at Oracle. I completed my Physics of Complex Systems PhD in 2019 at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, obtaining the extraordinary PhD award. During that time, I was a Fulbright-Schuman grantee at the University of California Merced, a DAAD grantee at Johannes Gutenberg University (Germany) and an intern in Telefonica R&D. Then, in 2020, I moved to Vicomtech to work on European AI technology transfer projects related to speech recognition, edge computing, security and federated learning. In June 2022, I moved as a postdoc researcher to the Language and Speech Laboratory at EHU and finally in February 2023 I joined my current position at Oracle.
My current research focuses on diarization, ASR, the characterization of human voice, speech processing, DNNs, linguistic laws and the interaction between social sciences, cognitive sciences and statistical physics.
Please feel free to contact me at ivan.gonzalez.torre (at) gmail.com